Monday 12 December 2016

Winter has arrived and Oh the Fun!

According to TIME magazine, research shows that the average person spends 87 percent of their time in enclosed buildings and 6 percent of their time in enclosed vehicles. That’s a total of 93 percent of your life spent inside. So at Michael Cranny ES, we believe everyone needs to get more fresh air by spending more time outdoors – and there are many benefits you’ll receive by doing this, above and beyond the fresh air. The benefits are so great that you should strive to get outdoors virtually every day – even if it’s winter and the temperatures are low. Some of the benefits include boosting creativity and focus and improving your mood and self esteem. So come prepared to BE OUTSIDE!
All our students will be expected to be outside before, during and after school in all weather conditions (i.e., rain or shine, snow or heat).  Students need to come to school dressed to play outside during recesses.  Boots (for rain or snow), rain jackets, hats, mitts, scarves and snow pants will help make recess an enjoyable time.  It is advisable for children to keep extra pants and socks at school in case they get wet. To avoid adding to our clothing collection in the Lost and Found Bin, please be sure to label all articles of clothing.